On the day of the party, of course, Edison refused to nap. That stressed me out considerably, but somehow, he made it through the day. We also narrowly missed being rained out. Instead, the weather was perfect!
Once the hat was off, I cheered him up from the trauma we’d put him through by distracting him with his cake. Pro-parenting tip there – sugar rights a multitude of wrongs.
He put on a great show, laughing and giggling for the paparazzi.
Helped unwrap a few presents, but by then, the lack of a nap was starting to kick in.
He preferred to play with his new trucks and his cousin and leave the presents to his parents.
A few more photos from the day:
That’s life lately! Soon I’ll post about what we’ve been doing in our kitchen, which I’m pretty excited about. Here’s to a better week!