Almost everyday this week, I’ve been under the weather. Monday, my (cough) time of month started (cough) (TMI? Sorry!) and I spent the majority of the day in a ball on the couch clinging to my electric heating pad. Tuesday I dealt with horrible heartburn most of the day and night, which resulted in my not getting to bed until 3 am. Wednesday, Brian woke me up at noon when he came home for lunch, and as a result of not having coffee soon enough, I had a migrane most of the day. Then yesterday, I was just a hormonal, exhausted, melodramatic mess, and I couldn’t get Photoshop or my printer to do my bidding. That resulted in an afternoon spent flopped on the bed in tears.
But, despite that, I did get a few things accomplished this week. First, I’ve decided to rebrand Scribbles Shoppe to Bleu Feather Paper Company. My reasoning is that if I were a bride planning to spend a few hundred dollars on hand painted wedding invitations, I probably wouldn’t want to spend it at a shop with “Scribbles” in the name.
So, it’s more professional, and it’s French, so it’s pretty much a win.
I need your help deciding on a logo. I am not good at making decisions, and I have way too many ideas. I’ve narrowed it down to these for round one. Which do you like best? Nevermind that the last one isn’t spelled right. I just noticed that now.
Which do you like best? Let me know in the comments!