It’s a lap quilt, and quite small, but it’s been at least five years in the making. Seriously. I started it sometime in high school. I hate unfinished projects, and this one has been hanging over my head since then. And now it’s finally done! It’s perfect for cozying up on the couch while drinking my morning coffee.
I faced several obstacles while finishing this quilt. First, I didn’t have the directions. They are in some book that my mom has, and after five years, I didn’t really remember how it was supposed to go. I did remember that the quilt top was supposed to be tied, but then my quilting extraordinaire friend, Alyssa, convinced me to quilt it. I do like the way quilting looks much better than tying.
She also helped me create the quilt sandwich using spray on adhesive. SO much better than holding it together with pins! The quilting itself wasn’t too hard: just straight lines. But the binding. Oh the binding! I sewed it onto the back, only to realize that I didn’t have enough to go around the entire quilt! I went to Hobby Lobby to try to match it, but of course, sage green isn’t a popular color now, five years later. I thought I’d buy binding in a different color, and then do half in sage green and half in rose. No rose binding either. Then, I decided to buy fabric and cut my own binding. I couldn’t even find matching fabric! So I bought the closest match I could find, which is definitely more spring green than sage.
Cheers! |
Thank goodness for youtube. I watched bias binding tutorials a million times, and I still had to redo sewing the strips together. By the time I got to the quilt, I just wanted to be finished. Hence, no close ups of the binding!
So many mistakes in so little space! Oh well. I finished my first quilt! It’s no longer hanging over my head, it’s folded up on the couch. It feels good!
I probably never would have finished this if it wasn’t for Alyssa’s encouragement and help. So if you’re struggling with a project, maybe all you need to finally get check it off your list is some help from a friend. Accountability, inspiration, or just companionship while you’re working on it can do wonders for your motivation!
Have you ever had projects hanging over your head? What did it take for you to finish them?