At least, that’s what I always thought. Then, I actually decided to count my clothes.
I almost had a conniption.* For someone who claims not to care much about clothes, my closet tells quite another story. In fact, it loudly screams “LIAR LIAR PANTS ON FIRE!”
That’s AFTER taking two garbage bag loads to Goodwill. And that number doesn’t even include my underwear and sock drawer, which is crammed to bursting.
Who really needs 354 choices of attire? Seriously?
Here’s what really makes me sick: if I spent $10 per item, that comes to $3,540. But realistically, it’s more likely that the average is $20 per item, which comes to $7,080.
Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
-Matthew 6:21
So I’ve been saying, “I can’t help those people because I don’t have a lot of money,” while investing $7,080 in my closet. Something is wrong with this picture. So I’m wearing only ten items this month because:
- I’ve got to change. Not just for simplicity’s sake. Not just for my peace of mind or to relieve my conscience. Not just because we’re moving to a smaller place. Because I’m called to something higher, a better way of living that values people more than things.
- Deprived of the crutch of finding my identity through what I own, I want to learn to lean on my Savior for the things I look for from clothes: happiness, acceptance, and confidence.
But that’s only half the story of why I’m wearing ten clothing items this month.
After hearing two sermons back to back on James 1:27, “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows…”. I think of orphans and widows as being those who are most vulnerable in our society. I used to assume I was neutral towards them, but then I asked myself the hard question: Am I participating in the exploitation of children when I shop at stores that oppress them by using child labor and forced labor?
Because Biblically, that’s a big deal.
find, afraid of having to change, and really, afraid of the inconvenience the
truth might create. Buying indiscriminately was so easy. However, laziness and complacency don’t mesh well with true
religion, and in the end, my desire to love like Jesus is winning out.
the issues, because what I’ve found is that it’s not nearly as hard as I
thought to make a difference.
raise awareness for human trafficking and encourage others to change the way
they shop by providing information, resources, and practical ways to make a
difference, followed by a charity auction of my clothes AND giveaways from several ethical clothing companies.
Notice the stress on “practical.” Because you know what the research I’ve done on ethical fashion has shown me? It’s not that hard to make a difference.
Are you excited yet?! I’m bursting at the seams to begin! But first, I need to make you a promise.
I promise this is not going to be a big guilt trip. Although guilt can be a powerful weapon, its results aren’t long term. Plus, there’s no point in guilt tripping you, when I’m every bit as much of a mess (or more so!) than you are.
I can’t promise that this is always going to be easy. I can promise that it will be worth it.
“At the end of life we will not be judged by how many diplomas we have received, how much money we have made, how many great things we have done.We will be judged by “I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat, I was naked and you clothed me. I was homeless, and you took me in.” ― Mother Teresa
“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ -Jesus
Will you join me for 31 Days of Fashion for Freedom?
*This word does not mean what I thought it meant. Its not “heart attack,” but apparently, a fit of emotion?! Who knew?
Week 1: Be Informed
1. 10 Items, One Month: New Series!
2. 25 Unique Ways to Wear A Scarf
3. Getting to Know an Everyday Activist: Whitney Ray
4. Six Ways to Find Out if A Product is Ethically Made
5. Where to Buy Casual Ethical Clothing
Week 4: Where to Shop Continued
1. Where to Buy Ethical Special Occasion Clothing, Cosmetics, and Jewelry
2. Where to Buy Ethical Shoes, Accessories, Underwear, and Children’s Clothes
3. How to Bag Bargains (Not Junk) At Thrift Stores
4. I Am Easily Pleased
Week 5: Finale
1. Ethical Fashion Giveaway and Charity Auction
2. One Month and Ten Items Later
3. Where Do We Go From Here?