Just make crafts? But what about blogging? What about building my portfolio website? What about all the writing I have to get done?
I realized that the deadlines and goals that have been stressing me out really only affect me. And if I chose, I could post-pone them, and probably, no one would care.
So I went to Hobby Lobby and bought myself some craft supplies. Then, I read the long to-do list I’d made for the week one last time, and chucked it. I made a blank schedule, with only one major task penciled in: “Make art.”
I’m embarking on a second week of reconnecting with my art.
When’s the last time you reconnected with your art? By “art,” I mean that thing you love doing, that gives you joy. It could be writing poetry, singing, baking something scrumptious, decorating your house, photography, sewing…the list could go on. Do you remember the last time you did it just for fun?